Eating and Cooking in tune with “lagom” means embracing food that is good for body and soul, unfussy, delicious and sustaining, ... All in harmony. We love life-food balance, and our passion is served in every meal. We started this journey because we believe we can help children learn to love healthy food and build lifelong healthy eating habits

We are a group of Peruvian professionals in collective food. We provide lunches and snacks with an approach based on trust, pride and the enjoyment of both our customers and us. Throughout 15 years of experience, we have developed different food service concession brands: PRO-BOCA: Food Concessionaire; La Mutti: Deli Café; Fika: Bar & Kitchen; Lagom: School Cafeterias.

Sign up as a new user

To enjoy Lagom's services for the first time, download our mobile app available on Android and iOS. Register as a new user by entering your personal information and the details of each child you wish to register. Click the button and it will take you to a video tutorial to guide you through the process. Start enjoying Lagom now!

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Services for Early Years

LAGOM services for Early Years are only available on Mondays. To enjoy our services, the only option is to purchase the Snack Bag or Lunch through our mobile app, with a deadline for orders by the previous Sunday at 11:00 PM. Additionally, we offer a monthly plan that includes Snack Bag and Lunch for all Mondays of the month. Click the button below to learn the steps to follow.

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Services for P1

LAGOM services for P1 are available from Monday to Friday, except on Wednesdays, as students leave early. The only way to enjoy our services is by purchasing the Lunch, with a deadline for orders by the previous day at 11:00 PM. Additionally, we offer a monthly Lunch plan. Click the button below to learn the steps to follow.

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Services from P2 to P5

LAGOM services for P2 to P5 are available from Monday to Friday. Students only need to approach the cafeteria during recess and lunch and provide their name to be served. It is important to note that, if students do not have available balance in their accounts, they will not be able to consume any snacks, and will only be provided with lunch. Additionally, we offer a monthly Lunch plan.

Balance top-up

To make a balance top-up, follow these steps: 1. Make a bank deposit to the account of VSD Alimentos y Bebidas. 2. Open your Lagom app, select the Balance option, and then Top-up. 3. Enter the amount to be topped up and attach a screenshot of the voucher as proof of the transfer made. The voucher must show the date, amount, and transaction number; otherwise, our accounting department will not approve the top-up.

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Our area managers oversee each stage of the process, ensuring compliance with optimal standards in storage, cleanliness, food safety, and hygiene. This comprehensive approach guarantees the quality of every dish we serve.


Evaluation and Continuous Improvement

We conduct regular reviews and audits to identify areas for improvement and optimize our processes. We implement continuous supervision and enhancement programs, ensuring excellence in every operation.


Monitoring of Standards.

Constant Control and Verification.


Unscheduled Visits.

We conduct unscheduled inspections to ensure that our operations comply with the established quality processes.


Supplier Monitoring

We supervise that quality standards are upheld, verifying each stage of the supply process.


¡La app de Lagom ya está disponible en Play Store! Ahora puedes descargarla fácilmente desde la tienda de aplicaciones de Android y disfrutar de todos nuestros servicios al alcance de tu mano. ¡No esperes más y descárgala hoy mismo!

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¡La app de Lagom ya está disponible en Apple Store! Descárgala ahora en tu dispositivo iOS y accede a todos nuestros servicios de manera rápida y sencilla. ¡No te lo pierdas!

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